Results for 'John J. Divine'

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  1.  35
    Philosophical Origins of the Romantic Movement.John J. Divine - 1930 - Modern Schoolman 6 (2):28-30.
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  2. Francis Hutcheson and John Clarke: Self-Interest, Desire, and Divine Impassibility.John J. Tilley - 2017 - International Philosophical Quarterly 57 (3):315-330.
    In this article I address a puzzle about one of Francis Hutcheson’s objections to psychological egoism. The puzzle concerns his premise that God receives no benefit from rewarding the virtuous. Why, in the early editions of his Inquiry Concerning Virtue (1725, 1726), does Hutcheson leave this premise undefended? And why, in the later editions (1729, 1738), does he continue to do so, knowing that in 1726 John Clarke of Hull had subjected the premise to plausible criticism, geared to the (...)
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  3. The Immanent Divine: God, Creation, and the Human Predicament—An East-West Conversation.John J. Thatamanil - 2006
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  4. Spectres of False Divinity: Hume’s Moral Atheism. [REVIEW]John J. Tilley - 2012 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 50 (2):297-298.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Spectres of False Divinity: Hume’s Moral AtheismJohn J. TilleyThomas Holden. Spectres of False Divinity: Hume’s Moral Atheism. Oxford-New York: Oxford University Press, 2010. Pp. xvi + 246. Cloth, $50.00.Thomas Holden argues that a key element of David Hume’s irreligious agenda is his case for moral atheism. According to Holden, Hume defends (conclusively, Hume believes) not merely weak moral atheism, according to which there is no morally praiseworthy deity, (...)
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    What Voegelin Missed in the Gospel.John J. Ranieri - 2000 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 7 (1):125-159.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:WHAT VOEGELIN MISSED IN THE GOSPEL John J. Ranieri Seton Hall University Violence and order are the themes that structure Voegelin's work. From the early writings composed in response to the emergence of National Socialism to the closing years ofhis life in which he confessed to a "perhaps misplaced sensitivity towards murder"1 as the primary catalyst for his philosophical pursuits, Voegelin is preoccupied with the relationship between the (...)
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    Handbook of Roman Catholic Moral Terms by James T. Bretzke, SJ.John J. Fitzgerald - 2015 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 35 (2):221-222.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Handbook of Roman Catholic Moral Terms by James T. Bretzke, SJJohn J. FitzgeraldHandbook of Roman Catholic Moral Terms James T. Bretzke, SJ washington, dc: georgetown university press, 2013. 260 pp. $24.95The Handbook of Roman Catholic Moral Terms continues the recent sequence of concise dictionaries published by Georgetown University Press, including the Key Words volumes for various religions and A Handbook of Bioethics Terms. James Bretzke’s contribution is especially (...)
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    Will as commitment and resolve: an existential account of creativity, love, virtue, and happiness.John J. Davenport - 2007 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    In contemporary philosophy, the will is often regarded as a sheer philosophical fiction. In Will as Commitment and Resolve , Davenport argues not only that the will is the central power of human agency that makes decisions and forms intentions but also that it includes the capacity to generate new motivation different in structure from prepurposive desires. The concept of "projective motivation" is the central innovation in Davenport's existential account of the everyday notion of striving will. Beginning with the contrast (...)
  8. King and Messiah as Son of God: Divine, Human, and Angelic Messianic Figures In Biblical and Related Literature.Adela Yarbro Collins & John J. Collins - 2008
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  9. Freedom, Will, and Nature.John J. Davenport - 2007 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 81:67-89.
    I have argued that like Harry Frankfurt, Augustine implicitly distinguishes between first-order desires and higher-order volitions; yet unlike Frankfurt, Augustineheld that the liberty to form different possible volitional identifications is essential to responsibility for our character. Like Frankfurt, Augustine recognizes that we can sometimes be responsible for the desires on which we act without being able to do or desire otherwise; but for Augustine, this is true only because such responsibility for inevitable desires and actions traces (at least in part) (...)
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    The Political Philosophy of Fénelon by Ryan Patrick Hanley.John J. Conley - 2022 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 60 (4):699-700.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Political Philosophy of Fénelon by Ryan Patrick HanleyJohn J. Conley SJRyan Patrick Hanley. The Political Philosophy of Fénelon. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020. Pp. xvi + 306. Hardback, $41.95.In his monograph, Ryan Patrick Hanley offers a revisionist interpretation of the political philosophy of François de Salignac de la Mothe-Fénelon, archbishop of Cambrai. A series of Enlightenment commentators (Montesquieu, Rousseau, Hume, Jefferson) and their progeny have hailed Fénelon (...)
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  11. Forgiveness.John J. Fitzgerald - 2008 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 82:203-215.
    One answer to the perennial question of how to reconcile divine foreknowledge with human freedom is the “Eternity Solution” (espoused by Thomas Aquinas): God is outside of time, and therefore it is incorrect to say he has foreknowledge. However, in the case of prophecy, God’s knowledge seems to be inserted into the temporal order and thereby transformed into foreknowledge. The eternalist might address this problem in a few ways, but the best answer appears to be that inevitable actions can (...)
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    Individual Freedom in the Hegelian State.John J. Ansbro - 1969 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 18:48-57.
    THE most prevalent interpretation of Hegel’s political philosophy charges him with a glorification and even a divinization of the Prussian State of his day at the expense of the freedom of the individual. This interpretation has its origins in the existentialist critique of Hegel. Kierkegaard, for example, in his evaluation of Hegel’s philosophy of history abhors the apparent deification of the existing State as the manifestation of the Objective Spirit since it robs the individual of his freedom, responsibility, and dignity. (...)
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  13. Emptiness, Selflessness, and Transcendence: William James’s Reading of Chinese Buddhism.John J. Kaag - 2012 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 39 (2):240-259.
    This article investigates William James's reading of the concepts of selflessness and transcendence in relation to the Chan and Pure Land schools of Chinese Buddhism. The divide between Chan and Pure Land Buddhism may be mediated if we attend to aspects of the two traditions that James found particularly meaningful. James is drawn to selflessness as presented in the concept of emptiness in the Chan understanding of meditative experience. He is equally interested in Buddhist devotional practices of Pure Land that (...)
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    The Essence of Christian Belief.John J. Shepherd - 1976 - Religious Studies 12 (2):231 - 237.
    Despite its plurality of forms and doctrines Christianity does contain a constant religious doctrinal core based on a putative continuity between Jesus' teaching and the church's kerygma. Its elements are: 1) human salvation through divine forgiveness; 2) the fact of decisive divine intervention in history to bring us salvation; 3) acknowledgement of the role of Jesus as supreme mediator of that salvation through his ministry and teaching (but not through an atoning death); 4) possible acceptance of the Resurrection (...)
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    The Interior Word as a Preamble and Analogy in St. Thomas’s Trinitarian Theology in advance.John J. Goyette - forthcoming - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association.
    This paper argues that St. Thomas distinguishes between what natural reason can know about the interior Word in God and what can be known by faith alone. I will argue that reason can show that verbum names a pure perfection that must exist in any intellectual nature and that verbum is therefore, in this sense, predicated properly of the divine nature. Thus, our natural understanding of verbum serves as a preamble to faith. But the real procession of the Word (...)
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  16. The Divine Pymander of Hermes Mercurius Trismegistus, Tr. By Doctor Everard. [Ed. By J.F.].John Hermes, J. Everard & F. - 1650
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  17. On Divine Foreknowledge.John Martin Fischer, Luis De Molina & Alfred J. Freddoso - 1992 - Philosophical Review 101 (2):387.
  18.  28
    Logos and Life. Volume 2. [REVIEW]John J. Drummond - 1990 - Review of Metaphysics 44 (2):444-445.
    Volume 1 of this work, subtitled Creative Experience and the Critique of Reason and reviewed in these pages by Dallas Laskey, is a study of human creative processes, for it is, Tymieniecka argues, the creative imagination and the will which are the wellspring of all human life. These creative processes, which are to be understood as "man's self-interpretation-in-existence," reach their natural or worldly pinnacle in historical, cultural communities with their poetic, moral, and intelligible productions. Such communities, however, emerging and decaying (...)
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  19. Intellect in Alexander of Aphrodisias and John Philoponus: divine, human or both?Frans A. J. de Haas - 2018 - In John E. Sisko, Philosophy of mind in antiquity. New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
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    Insanity and Divinity: Studies in Psychosis and Spirituality.John Gale, Michael J. P. Robson & Georgia Rapsomatioti (eds.) - 2013 - Routledge.
    How close is spirituality to psychosis? Covering the interrelation of psychosis and spirituality from a number of angles, _Insanity and Divinity_ will generate dialogue and discussion, aid critical reflection and stimulate creative approaches to clinical work for those interested in the connections between religious studies, psychoanalysis, anthropology and hagiography. Bringing together an international range of contributors and covering many different types of religious experience, this book presents its theme in three parts: Psychoanalysis, belief and mysticism Anthropology, history and hagiography Psychology, (...)
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  21. Choice Emblems, Natural, Historical, Fabulous, Moral and Divine; for the Improvement and Pastime of Youth Serving to Display the Beauties and Morals of the Ancient Fabulists: The Whole Calculated to Convey the Golden Lessons of Instruction Under a New and More Delightful Dress. Written for the Amusement of the Right Honourable Lord Newbattle.John Huddlestone Wynne, J. Chapman & George Riley - 1775 - Printed by J. Chapman, ... For George Riley, ..
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  22. Quantum Mechanics: Scientific Perspectives on Divine Action 5.R. J. Russell, Philip Clayton, Kirk Wegter-McNelly & John Polkinghorne (eds.) - 2002 - Vatican Observatory Publications.
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    The Immanent Divine: God, Creation and the Human Predicament. An East-West Conversation. By John J. Thatamanil.Isaac Padinjarekuttu - 2011 - Heythrop Journal 52 (5):889-890.
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    Margaret J. Osler. Divine Will and the Mechanical Philosophy: Gassendi and Descartes on Contingency and Necessity in the Created World. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994. Pp. xi + 284. ISBN 0-521-46104-9. £32.50, $49.95. [REVIEW]John Henry - 1995 - British Journal for the History of Science 28 (4):466-468.
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    Divine Production in Late Medieval Trinitarian Theology: Henry of Ghent, Duns Scotus, and William Ockham.J. T. Paasch - 2012 - Oxford University Press.
    This book examines the central ideas that defined the debate about divine production in the Trinity in the late 13th and early 14th centuries, namely those of Henry of Ghent, John Duns Scotus, and William Ockham. Their discussions are significant for the history of trinitarian theology and the history of philosophy.
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  26. Alan Sell, John Locke and the Eighteenth-Century Divines.J. Marshall - 1998 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 6 (3):495-497.
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    King and Messiah as Son of God: Divine, Human, and Angelic Messianic Figures in Biblical and Related Literature. By Adela Yarbro Collins and John J. Collins. Pp. xiv, 266, Grand Rapids/Cambridge, Eerdmans, 2008, £15.99 No Ordinary Angel: Celestial Spirits. [REVIEW]Luke Penkett - 2012 - Heythrop Journal 53 (2):307-308.
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    (1 other version)On Divine Foreknowledge. (Part IV of the Concordia) by Luis de Molina. [REVIEW]John P. Doyle - 1990 - The Thomist 54 (2):369-371.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS 369 On Divine Foreknowledge. (Part IV of the Concordia). By Lms DE MOLINA. Trans. Alfred J. Freddoso. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1988. Pp. xii +286. $34.95. The contents of the sixteenth century Jesuit theologian Luis de Molina's famous work are specified in its title: Liberi arbitrii cum gratiae donis, divina praescientia, providentia, praedestinatione et reprobatione concordia-" The Agreement of Free Choice with the Gifts of Grace, (...)
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  29. The two journeys to the divine presence.John E. Smith - 1988 - In W. Norris Clarke & Gerald A. McCool, The Universe as journey: conversations with W. Norris Clarke, S.J. New York: Fordham University Press.
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    the Divine Colloquy In Islam.A. J. Arberry - 1956 - Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 39 (1):18-44.
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    William James on divine intimacy: psychical research, cosmological realism and a circumscribed re-reading of The Varieties of Religious Experience.Edward J. K. Gitre - 2006 - History of the Human Sciences 19 (2):1-21.
    William James’s interest in psychical phenomena spanned his entire career as a scholar, yet is has been largely neglected. Few if any have adequately incorporated this quirky side of James into their critical studies of his scholarly contributions, not only in religious studies but also in philosophy and psychology. Psychical research was nevertheless very much part of James’s intellectual endeavors and, as this article shall argue, sheds light on an evolving, complex, and contradictory Jamesian cosmological realism. I will contextual James’s (...)
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  32. Bahm, Archie J.(1995) epistemology (albuquerque: World books). Bloom Irene (trs)(1995) knowledge painfully acquired (columbia university press). Bracken, Joseph A.(1995) 77a; divine matrix (new York: Orbis books). Bronkhorst, Johannes & ramseier, Yves (1994) word index to the prasastapadabhasya (delhi: Motilal banarsidass). [REVIEW]Kisor Kumar Chakrabarti, David E. Cooper, Harold Coward, Thomas Dean, Malcolm David Eckel, James W. Hesig, John Maraldo, Richard King, Ljvia Kohn & Michael P. Levtne - 1996 - Asian Philosophy 6 (2):171.
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    Report on the Tenth European Network of Buddhist-Christian Studies Conference: History as a Challenge to Buddhism and Christianity.John O'Grady, Elizabeth J. Harris & Jonathan A. Seitz - 2014 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 34:189-192.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Report on the Tenth European Network of Buddhist-Christian Studies Conference:History as a Challenge to Buddhism and ChristianityJohn O’Grady, Elizabeth J. Harris, and Jonathan A. SeitzThe Tenth Conference of the European Network of Buddhist-Christian Studies (ENBCS) brought together between sixty and seventy people at the Oude Abdij, Drongen, Belgium, between 27 June and 1 July 2013, to examine the theme “History as a Challenge to Buddhism and Christianity.” It was (...)
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    A. J. Appasamy and His Reading of Rāmānuja: A Comparative Study in Divine Embodiment.Brian Dunn - 2016 - Oxford University Press UK.
    In this work, Brian Philip Dunn focuses on the South Indian theologian A. J. Appasamy's "embodiment theology." This is the first book on Appasamy, a not insignificant Indian, Christian theologian. This study argues for the distinctive theological voice of Appasamy who develops a theology strongly influenced by the medieval Hindu theologian Ramanuja, in particular offering a reading of the Gospel of John. Dunn shows how Appasamy sees the Christian God in Ramanuja's theology and how his theology, particularly about the (...)
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    And the Life Everlasting. By John Baillie, D.Litt., Hon. D.D., Professor Elect of Divinity in the University of Edinburgh. (London: Oxford University Press, Humphrey Milford. 1934. Pp xii + 294. Price, 10s. 6d. net.). [REVIEW]Clement J. J. Webb - 1935 - Philosophy 10 (37):94-.
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  36. Is the Big Bang the Sole Cause of the Universe? A Response to John J. Park.Jacobus Erasmus - 2016 - Acta Analytica 31 (3):337-344.
    In a recent paper, John J. Park argues (1) that an abstract object can bring a universe into existence, and (2) that, according to the Big Bang Theory, the initial singularity is an abstract object that brought the universe into existence. According to Park, if (1) and (2) are true, then the kalam cosmological argument fails to show that the cause of the universe must be divine. I argue, however, that both (1) and (2) are false. In my (...)
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    The Inner Word in Gadamer's Hermeneutics.John Arthos - 2009 - University of Notre Dame Press.
    Late in his life, Hans-Georg Gadamer was asked to explain what the universal aspect of hermeneutics consisted in, and he replied, enigmatically, “in the _verbum interius_.” Gadamer devoted a pivotal section of his magnum opus, _Truth and Method_, to this Augustinian concept, and subsequently pointed to it as a kind of passkey to his thought. It remains, however, both in its origins and its interpretations, a mysterious concept. From out of its layered history, it remains a provocation to thought, expressing (...)
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    No one like Him: the doctrine of God.John S. Feinberg - 2006 - Wheaton. Ill.: Crossway Books.
    This book contains some rare combinations: first, an author who is as concerned with conceptual clarification as he is with the absolute truthfulness of the biblical text; second, an argument that avoids the common "either-ors" and contends for the importance of both divine sovereignty and divine solicitude in equal measure; third, an approach that espouses divine determinism and divine temporality. No One Like Him takes on the most intractable intellectual challenges of contemporary evangelical theology. Kevin Vanhoozer (...)
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  39. Kant on Recognizing Our Duties As God’s Commands.John E. Hare - 2000 - Faith and Philosophy 17 (4):459-478.
    Kant both says that we should recognize our duties as God’s commands, and objects to the theological version of heteronomy, ‘which derives morality from a divine and supremely perfect will’. In this paper I discuss how these two views fit together, and in the process I develop a notion of autonomous submission to divine moral authority. I oppose the ‘constitutive’ view of autonomy proposed by J. B. Schneewind and Christine Korsgaard. I locate Kant’s objection to theological heteronomy against (...)
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    Darwinism and Divinity: Essays on Evolution and Religious Belief ed. by John Durant. [REVIEW]F. F. Centore - 1988 - The Thomist 52 (2):357-362.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS 357 chorus of Protestants calling for a recovery of church discipline, of use of creed and sacrament in worship, of christian education as character formation, etc. Unfortunately, he gives no suggestions about how much a. recovered sense of authority and sacramentalism can avoid the distortions of this necessary element of Church life that gave rise to the original Protestant Reformation (distortions recognized and warned against at Vatican (...)
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    Transcendental Thomism and the Thomistic Texts.John F. X. Knasas - 1990 - The Thomist 54 (1):81-95.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:TRANSCENDENTAL THOMISM AND THE THOMISTIC TEXTS JOHN F. x. KNASAS Genter for Thomistic Studies Houston, Temas SOME THIRTY YEARS ago in the journal Thought, there appeared an article by Fr. Joseph Donceel, S.J., entitled " A Thomistic Misapprehension? " Its thesis is that American Thomism had seen too much of the a posteriori in Aquinas's noetic.1 In fact the interpretation was so a posteriori that it bordered on (...)
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    The Historical Conditioning of Church Doctrine.John R. T. Lamont - 1996 - The Thomist 60 (4):511-535.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:THE HISTORICAL CONDITIONING OF CHURCH DOCTRINE* JOHN R. T. LAMONT Winnipeg, Canada I WISH to set out and defend a certain conception of what is involved in accepting the teachings of the Catholic Church. This conception is at odds with some contemporary understandings of the way in which such teachings are historically conditioned. I will argue that these conceptions are mistaken, and state what I think to be (...)
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    Aquinas and the cry of Rachel: Thomistic reflections on the problem of evil.John F. X. Knasas - 2013 - Washington, D.C.: The Catholic University of America Press.
    Machine generated contents note: ch. 1 The Cry of Rachel -- Maritain's 1942 Marquette Aquinas Lecture -- Maritain's The Person and the Common Good -- Camus's The Plague -- ch. 2 Joy -- Being as the Good and the Eruption of Willing -- Being and Philosophical Psychology -- An Ordinary Knowledge of God and Metaphysics -- Metaphysics as Implicit Knowledge -- Being and the Intellectual Emotions -- ch. 3 Quandoque Evils -- Aquinas's Rationale for the Corruptible Order -- The Corruptible (...)
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    Mackie on Neoplatonism's 'Replacement for God'.John Leslie - 1986 - Religious Studies 22 (3-4):325 - 342.
    David Hume's greatness depends in large part on how his writings hint at beautiful and coherent theories which are recognizably Humean despite their divergences from the untidy originals. Now, perhaps the clearest vision of a contradiction–free Platonic Form of Hume was had by J. L. Mackie; he described it in such masterpieces as The Cement of the Universe, Ethics: Inventing Right and Wrong, and The Miracle of Theism. How successful is this last in its attack on theism? I shall discuss (...)
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    Our place in the cosmos.John Leslie - 2000 - Philosophy 75 (1):5-24.
    Our world seems fine tuned in life-permitting ways. If the cosmos contains many universes, only the appropriately tuned ones can be seen by living beings. An alternative is that God acted as Fine Tuner. We might account for God in terms of an eternally powerful ethical requirement that God exists, rejecting J. L. Mackie's judgment that absolute ethical requirements are incredibly queer. Mackie viewed such requirements as logically possible, so if they were absent then this would seem a matter of (...)
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    The philosophy of John Norris.W. J. Mander (ed.) - 2008 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Life, work, and influences -- Life -- Work -- Influences -- Metaphysics -- The intelligible world -- The existence of the intelligible world -- The intelligible and the divine world -- The intelligible and the natural world -- Knowledge -- Mind and body -- The souls of animals -- Knowledge : thought and souls -- Knowledge : God -- Mediate knowledge : external world -- Discussion and assessment of Norris's theory -- Was Norris an idealist? -- Faith and reason (...)
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    The Idea of the "Good".John C. Hampsey - 2016 - Philosophy and Literature 40 (1):285-296.
    The concept of prayer didn’t exist until the first step outside the garden. And Adam and Eve’s prayers had to be maddened ones, predicated upon a new and shockingly acquired paranoidic consciousness, completely unlike their prelapserian paranoic1 state wherein the primal couple didn’t know hope or prayer inside the amoral edenic, in the egregious garden where anything was possible anytime.And that is why you don’t notice the word “good” in the original account of creation in Genesis; that is, the “J” (...)
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    Logical Analysis and Contemporary Theism.John Donnelly - 1972 - New York, NY, USA: Fordham University Press.
    In theology, by W.L. Rowe.--Divine foreknowledge and human freedom, by A. Kenny.--Some puzzles concerning omnipotence, by G.I. Mavrodes.--The paradox of the stone, by C.W. Savage.--Creation ex nihilo, by J. Donnelly.--The miraculous, by R.F. Holland.--On miracles, by P.J. Dietl.--The tacit structure of religious knowing, by J.H. Gill.--On the observability of the self, by R.M. Chisholm.--Re-examining Kierkegaard's "Teleological suspension of the ethical," by J. Donnelly.
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    (1 other version)Aquinas.Anthony John Patrick Kenny - 1969 - Garden City, N.Y.,: Anchor Books.
    The historical context of the philosophical work of St. Thomas Aquinas, by D. Knowles.--Form and existence, by P. Geach.--Categories, by H. McCabe.--Analogy as a rule of meaning for religious language, by J. F. Ross.--Nominalism, by P. Geach.--St. Thomas' doctrine of necessary being, by P. Brown.--The proof ex motu for the existence of God; logical analysis of St. Thomas' arguments, by J. Salamucha.--Infinite causal regression, by P. Brown.--St. Thomas Aquinas and the language of total dependence, by J. N. Deck.--Divine foreknowledge (...)
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    Crisis and the Renewal of Creation: World and Church in the Age of Ecology.Jeffrey Golliher, William Bryant Logan & N. Cathedral of St John the Divine York - 1996 - Burns & Oates.
    Over the past 25 years, no religious institution in America has done more to explore the link between the environment and spirituality than the Cathedral of St. John the Divine. Now, for the first time, a selection of the finest of the Cathedral's ecological sermons appears in a single volume.
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